1/5 - 50 First Jokes - Hilarities (Cleveland, OH) @ 7:30 PM

1/5 - 50 First Jokes - Hilarities (Cleveland, OH) @ 7:30 PM

12/14 - Follow the Crowd x My Cuzin Funny - Nano Brew (Ohio City, OH) @ 7 PM - FREE

12/14 - Follow the Crowd x My Cuzin Funny - Nano Brew (Ohio City, OH) @ 7 PM - FREE

These are some recorded performances and a schedule of upcoming performances of “comedy”.

12/11 - Stand and Deliver - East End Bistro (Lakewood, OH) @ 8 PM - FREE

12/11 - Stand and Deliver - East End Bistro (Lakewood, OH) @ 8 PM - FREE


2023 - Ben Niespodziany invited several writers to share some form of their writing in some way. Among them were myself, CA Conrad, Vi Khi Nao, Annelyse Gelman, and dozens of other heroes. This self-produced short film is my contribution and features a piece from my small book of hybrid work called BALL PIT BUCKET FILLED WITH BRIDGE WATER. Here’s a link to the entire digital marathon.


2022 - As part of the 2022 BorderLight Fringe Festival in Cleveland, Ohio, The Small Garden was a live variety show featuring 4 ten-minute acts. I told jokes and did things among playing the Yamaha YRS-24B Soprano recorder and pretending I was a car.

2021 - The Storyworth Podcast preserves grandpa and grandmas’ stories, family narrative, and keepsake. The first half of each episode is the retelling of a story told by an actor, the second half the person it happened to talking about it.

In this episode (episode #3), I play the role of Young Bob who found himself to be the key witness in a murder trial. And he loves to bring it up.

Clips from this episode have over 4.5 million views on Instagram Reels.

2020 - 51/50 is a 6-episode web-dramedy adventure based in Cleveland, Ohio about mental health, wandering, and ultimately weed. I co-star as Trevor, Mary’s high school boyfriend, voice-of-reason, and current “supplier”.

In this episode, the last in the series, Mary has finally flipped her lid and is ready to do anything for weed at any cost. Trevor calls her out and takes a stand… at the bar.

Visit fiftyonefifty.tv to watch the entire series.

2018 - Me, doing stand up in basement at 78th Street Studios in Cleveland in front of like, 45 people at the Cleveland Comedy Festival. When I got off stage, I received a free pin and a free drink. It was very nice.